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7 Things To Do If You’ve Lost Your Job Due to COVID-19

By Joey Ricard - October 13, 2020


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Have you lost your job due to COVID recently? 

Then know that you are not alone in this crisis! 


Coming out of the blue, the COVID outbreak has affected the job security of millions of people across the world. And just like others, you’re probably thinking about what to do now and how to proceed ahead with your life. 

Well, honestly, you can’t just lose hope and sit there, right? 

Here are the ways you can support yourself mentally and financially and put this critical ‘lost my job to Covid-19’ phase to some effective use.


Be Positive, Be Professional


See, this COVID pandemic has led to record-high unemployment and layoffs across various job sectors. If you are unemployed during the coronavirus crisis temporarily or permanently, don’t start blaming yourself or others for it. This is not going to help you in any way, therefore the last thing you want to spend your time and energy on.

You have to understand that employers try their best during a crisis and your job termination is neither personal nor due to the lack of your professional worth. It’s the pandemic that has created the crisis. Therefore, even if you’re out of a job presently, you must think positively and act professionally.

Refrain from posting negative stuff on social media about the industry you used to be a part of, or your previous organization or employers. 

Don’t forget, sooner or later the job market will revive and businesses will rebound. And then your present unprofessional behavior or actions will be remembered.


Take Care of Mental Health


While losing a job can be stressful, the thought “I’ve lost my job to Covid-19” can be even more devastating. Despite trying to stay motivated, people often may end up slowly succumbing to their anxieties caused by job loss.

That is why you should pay attention to your mental health and must not let this sudden loss or change take control over you. Anxiety and depression can demotivate you from the good things in life. 

So, make it a point to do some exercise, get some fresh air, and focus on your relationships. 

Take time for yourself, know whether you’re having trouble dealing with the situation. 

Don’t hesitate to ask, reach out for professional help if needed. There are several therapy and counseling sessions available online that can help your better deal with the uncertainties caused by sudden job cuts. 


Connect with Coworkers


Not all layoffs are permanent. So, if you are on a temporary layoff then make sure to stay connected with your fellow workers and colleagues. 

Connecting with your team and checking in proactively means a lot during a difficult time such as this. Nothing lasts forever; not even a pandemic. So, when better days will come and you will resume working, your empathy will be remembered.


Make Fair Budget Plans


A sudden job termination that also in a situation like COVID-outbreak, can be overwhelming. But it must not prevent you from working on your financial plan. Because until you are getting any alternative source of income, a solid financial plan is your best solution to hold on to. 

Yes, if you’re unemployed during the coronavirus crisis, utilize this time to find out ways of doing some savings such as asking your mortgage broker, bank, and utility providers to defer payments, canceling your auto subscriptions on your credit card, mobile phone, online entertainment channels, etc. 

Setting up a proper financial plan and cutting up your monthly extra expenses can not only help you save money but also make you feel empowered and keep your life in control during this challenging time. 

When you truly understand your financial reality, you can better decide and devise your next employment planning.


Upgrade Skills


While the job market is down, there are still hiring going on for a certain set of skills

For example, some of the in-demand skill sets in the IT sector are application development, python programming, coding, web designing, etc. 

With plenty of e-learning platforms offering free courses on such skill development, now is the time to upgrade your skills and increase your job opportunities. 

So, if you have been asked to leave by your employer, don’t sink in hopelessness facing the job crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Go through different job portals to find employers who are still recruiting on allied skill areas. Various professional networking sites can also be pretty helpful in this regard.


Consider Temporary Income Sources


The COVID-19 pandemic might have halted your primary source of income, but there are other side hustle options too. 

Whether you’re an IT person who was told to leave or a gym instructor who has no gym to go to now or a server at a restaurant which is closed now, you can try other alternate sources of income in the interim until you get the desired job or your employer resumes again.

Some companies are hiring temporary workers even in a period of job crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic to keep up with the increased customer demand.  Some of such reputed companies are Amazon, Costco. FedEx, Zoom, Slack, etc.


Work on Freelance Projects


Don’t let the job loss due to COVID take a toll on you as there are freelancing opportunities too. 

Though a bit slow, freelancing opportunities are opening up in different job sectors such as e-commerce, IT, digital marketing, data entry, advertising, content development, and online sales. And you never know you might find the freelancing to be more interesting and rewarding than a typical office job.

After all, freelancing is no more temporary, people are going full-time freelancing or opting for long-term freelancing projects. 

Teaching an online course, becoming a virtual assistant, starting or joining a blogging site as a regular blogger, opening a drop-shipping business, or utilizing the YouTube platform by creating an engaging channel of your own are some long-term freelancing work ideas.


High Hopes…


Losing a job or getting a layoff is not the end of the world. 

Remember, you have friends and families who love you, care for you not because of where you work, or how much you earn but who you are.

Yes, losing your job and the job crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic can make you deal with tough situations and face hardships. 

But you have to be strong, think positive, and overcome this phase. You would not let a virus take away all your positive thoughts, skills, and confidence, would you!

Consider this unemployment period as a ‘break’ and use it well. So, when the job market in your desired sectors revives again, and you still want to get back to what you used to do, your chances of securing a steady job gets maximum.

Author Joey Ricard

Joey Ricard

Klizo Solutions was founded by Joseph Ricard, a serial entrepreneur from America who has spent over ten years working in India, developing innovative tech solutions, building good teams, and admirable processes. And today, he has a team of over 50 super-talented people with him and various high-level technologies developed in multiple frameworks to his credit.