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Integrating NowCerts and Gravity Forms in WordPress

By Joey Ricard - August 20, 2019


NowCerts Gravity Forms Integration WordPress

We have integrated and customized Gravity Forms into multiple applications. When it comes to developing insurance websites, you have to know the tools they work with. NowCerts is a tool our client uses that allows them to quickly create certificates and allow carriers to download those certificates. 

The key though to getting developing this technology properly is building out an easy automation flow that doesn’t require as much back-office work. 

In the past, we actually managed the back office for our clients with our virtual hiring. This way the client saved the cost of labor in the US, by outsourcing some of their back-office work to our support teams in India. 

Now we are helping them save even more money; through automation of client form captures, using Gravity Forms and NowCerts. This process can be developed for more than just the insurance industry. This process can work in real estate for lead captures into Salesforce, Zoho, or some other CRM. We developed this software solution to solve this issue for a client that does Cannabis Insurance. 

Now, when you download Gravity Forms, there are three versions and you can use and three price levels:

  • Basic License – $59 per year 
  • Pro License – $159 per year
  • Elite License – $259 per year


Gravity Forms Pricing

We use the Elite License. The reason why we develop software with the Elite Gravity Forms license for some of our clients is mainly because of the more advanced features. The API capabilities, WordPress Multi-Site, Signatures, and Merchant Processing integrations. Of course, the Unlimited Websites help us make sure the cost is better for our clients as well. 

Gravity Forms allows you to create a user onboard process that captures information into a WordPress. During that capture process though, we can push the data of that form via APIs to multiple other applications.


Bulk Email or Transactional Emails

We can send the signup data to MailChimp, MailGun, SendGrid, Constant Contact, etc. This will allow you to send out clean and easy email templates. These are good to send out holiday reminders, or onboarding welcome emails. We have a technology we have created that does Data Compiling and Email Drip Sequences. This allows you to capture more pertinent information around a user, and use that data to have a higher converting email process. 

email Marketing Service

Pushing Data to a CRM Platform

During that form capture, that same information can go into a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool. This allows you to manage the user. Maybe its a sales lead, or its a new customer, or a support ticket that needs to follow up. If you use a CRM, it goes right into that as well. Some of the CRMs that we have integrated are Zoho, Freshbooks, Agile, Campfire, or even Help Scout. Our data compiler also has a CRM function in it for lead management. It depends on the function you want to achieve, but we can customize for all types of CRMs not listed here.

CRM Integration zoho agile crm basecamp salesforce


Processing a Payments with a Form

There are all kinds of payment solutions out there but Gravity Forms is an easy and quick way to make a payment with a merchant. You can add coupons quickly and easily. We can use webhooks to see when a certain function has happened (like a payment) then allow us to trigger something to a mail server like Mailgun to fire off a payment email. Some of the merchants processors that we can integrate with ease are ones like, 2Checkout, Paypal, and Stripe. We can also customize the payment processor if it’s in a high-risk industry like Cannabis or CBD. We have worked with partners and built software for them which makes it a breeze. 

payment gateway integration

Using Gravity Forms with Advanced APIs

Now, the reason we also like Gravity Forms is because there are a lot of advanced things we can do with the APIs. We can input the form data into a Google Spreadsheet, or make it as a lead in Salesforce, Make a Google Calendar entry, push files directly into Google Drive, create To-Do Tasks on Trello, Podio, or Asana, send an SMS with the contact number right to a sales rep. There are thousands of ways we can build incredible solutions to increase the sales automation process.  

API Integration Gmail Trello SMS Google Sheets Drive Podio Asana

We love building technology. We love building out solutions people have not thought of. Reach out, lets chat and we can build you something great!


Author Joey Ricard

Joey Ricard

Klizo Solutions was founded by Joseph Ricard, a serial entrepreneur from America who has spent over ten years working in India, developing innovative tech solutions, building good teams, and admirable processes. And today, he has a team of over 50 super-talented people with him and various high-level technologies developed in multiple frameworks to his credit.