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Hey Google, Why Integrating Voice Search In eCommerce Sites Is Crucial 2022!

By Joey Ricard - February 1, 2022


Hey Google, Why Integrating Voice Search In eCommerce Sites Is Crucial 2022!

Humanity is undoubtedly at the peak of technological advancements. But as they say, there is always room for improvement. Hence, these advancements continue to reach even greater heights every day with significant breakthroughs.


One of such breakthroughs is the integration of voice search in eCommerce, which is adding a new definition to online shopping by replacing the traditional searches.


Voice search is widely publicized and proclaimed to make life easier for businesses and consumers. This technology is expected to become one of the top go-to-techs in the coming years, presenting all queries on the internet and acquiring cognizance for the same.


As more and more shoppers welcome smart speakers and digital voice assistants, online retailers must start powering their eCommerce sites with voice search to thrive in the upcoming era of speech recognition. 

Hey Google, Why Integrating Voice Search In eCommerce Sites Is Crucial 2022!

Voice Search – All About It

Voice search is a speech recognition technology that lets users search a word, a sentence, or a term directly through voice commands. In simpler words, voice search refers to an innovative digital technology where users can use voice commands to search the internet, an app, or a website.


Instead of standard text-based search, searching by voice lets you speak to your device, a laptop, a smartphone, or any other smart home device, to make a search request for information.


Due to its fast performance, users now rely upon it to search for information over the internet and perform various activities, like playing games, playing music, shopping online, making a phone call, setting daily reminders, etc.


Some of the most popular voice search platforms or devices are Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, SoundHound, Samsung Bixby, etc.


Why Voice Search In eCommerce Is Crucial!

Successful integration of voice search in eCommerce means clearly understanding how people wish to use this technology for online shopping and crafting voice search marketing strategies according to those habits.


With each passing day, a growing number of people are realizing how handy voice search can be to look for the information they require and do online shopping without typing on their smartphones or spelling their queries correctly. As an eCommerce business owner, don’t you think you should realize its importance, too?


Hey Google, Why Integrating Voice Search In eCommerce Sites Is Crucial 2022!


It Is One Of The Hottest Technologies Now!

With time, technology evolves. So, no matter what business you run, the struggle to keep up with the latest developments and advances is constant. Incorporating the latest technologies for the benefit of your business ensures that you always have the upper hand in the long run. 


voice search in eCommerce has created quite a buzz since its emergence in 2011. According to Statista, by the first three months of 2019, the number of global internet users using voice search reached close to 50% in several countries. And by 2022, online shopping via voice command is expected to be $40 billion.


So, you see, integrating voice search for your eCommerce site is the key to reaching the increasing portion of online users today. It is becoming a part of users’ daily life, transforming the traditional way of searching on the web and mobile devices.


Plus, voice search has a considerable impact on local SEO. And, we all know that SEO is of great importance for every digital marketing effort. Hence naturally, voice search has become an integral part of eCommerce websites.


It Is Something Users Want!

More and more users are liking and opting for voice search. As per Voice search statistics 2021, 40% of consumers use voice search every month for ordering and purchasing something. Why? Because it is –


  • A hands-free technology where users do not need to maintain physical contact with a device to perform a search.
  • It makes multitasking super easy. Users can conduct voice searches while carrying on with other activities.
  • It is a fast and efficient way to get satisfactory answers to queries and questions.


Therefore, now is the ideal time for eCommerce sites to pay attention to voice search and be ready with online shopping voice search components for their users, who are switching to voice search over text-based search. The eCommerce sites not integrating voice search will risk losing those consumers in their base that have already started using voice search or voice assistants.


Related Read: Opening The Doorway Of Online Business Transformation With AI Chatterbots


It Paves The Path For Smart Shopping

Voice-based eCommerce is not only about voice search technology. It is also about using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence effectively. The amalgamation of voice search with AI and machine learning makes the voice search feature smart enough to understand your shopping habits and behavior. 


For example, imagine doing online shopping using voice search. Now, an AI-enabled voice assistant present on that eCommerce site can remind and recommend you about the products that were once a part of your cart that you are missing out on now, which is undoubtedly a great advantage for any eCommerce business.


Recently, voice AI is causing a seismic shift in the eCommerce world. By saving past order history, AI-enabled voice search makes reordering and purchasing a super quick and easy experience for the users and provides a personalized online shopping experience.


It Makes Giving Reviews Super Smooth

Reviews of customers matter! Studies have shown that people are more likely to buy a product or choose a service when someone else says that product/service is good. Positive customer reviews are proof that you deliver reputable products/services. And negative reviews help you identify the flaws and issues, rectify them and improve your services.


But alas! Collecting customer reviews has never been an easy task. All thanks to voice search that makes it a lot easier. Yes, voice search in eCommerce makes sharing feedback and reviews a breeze for the customers.


The convenience and ease of giving a review encourage more meaningful and genuine reviews from customers that help other customers along with the business. Instead of typing the usually long and time-consuming queries, voice search in eCommerce sites enables customers to give reviews quickly, and that too, very specifically.

Hey Google, Why Integrating Voice Search In eCommerce Sites Is Crucial 2022!

Also Read: eCommerce Trends To Look Out For In 2022


Oh Yes! It Is Quick & Time Efficient

Voice search is more effective and faster compared to typing a query. The typing speed of an average person is usually 30-35 words/minute. However, voice search can process nearly 100 words/minute.


Voice search empowers eCommerce users to complete their tasks fast and obtain results more quickly. Voice search simplifies performing a search process, which usually consists of 3-4 steps, into a single command. It lets the users add items to the cart directly and swiftly. 


And this efficiency is becoming a super exciting feature for most users. Today, users want to shop on the go while indulging in other activities like driving or cooking. To grab the attention and gain a competitive advantage of this multitasking generation, you need voice eCommerce more than ever now!


Final Words!

The future of voice commerce holds unimaginable potential. So, if you want to integrate voice search in eCommerce, now is the time to take action!


With advanced technologies and smart devices becoming more ubiquitous in everyday life, we completely understand your need to optimize your eCommerce site for voice search ASAP. And we are proud to inform you that we have an expert team that can build websites/mobile applications using advanced techs and can integrate trending eCommerce technologies in no time.

Connect with us today and make your eCommerce site voice search compatible!

Author Joey Ricard

Joey Ricard

Klizo Solutions was founded by Joseph Ricard, a serial entrepreneur from America who has spent over ten years working in India, developing innovative tech solutions, building good teams, and admirable processes. And today, he has a team of over 50 super-talented people with him and various high-level technologies developed in multiple frameworks to his credit.